At 4KIDS, we want to keep you up to date and inspired by the stories of things that are happening within our organization. In the blog posts below, you will hear from therapists, support workers, and leaders about the mission of 4KIDS and how we are providing Hope, Homes, and Healing throughout the community.
Date: July 25, 2024
l Author: Tina Mathews, EPIC Clinician
What Are ACEs? ACEs are Adverse Childhood Experiences that are potentially traumatic. These experiences could look like an emergency medical condition, physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, a natural disaster, the loss of a family member and so much more. ACEs can lead to negative mental, physical, and emotional effects on a child or youth that […]
Date: June 17, 2024
l Author: Ken Lacy, EPIC Clinician
Trauma can be described as the aftermath of a deeply distressing event or circumstance that can lead to a person becoming fearful, anxious, overwhelmed, and experiencing related symptoms. When it comes to coping with challenges in daily life and processing emotions, trauma can also have negative physical impacts on the brain and body. The Brain’s […]
Date: March 7, 2024
l Author: Maria Silva, LMHC
When someone is sick and voices their need for medicine, water, or comfort, there can be two different outcomes. First, someone can hear the need and respond, bring them medicine, and sit beside them as they heal. From this response, the individual who was ill would feel seen, loved, and secure. On the other hand, […]
Date: January 4, 2024
l Author: Josiane Mendonca, MSW
Explore the impact of unaddressed trauma on adult attachment styles and relationships with children in our latest blog. Learn how acknowledging past traumas, seeking professional support, and prioritizing self-care can break the cycle of passing down emotional wounds. Celebrate victories in the healing journey for healthier relationships and emotional stability.
Date: November 5, 2023
l Author: Maria Silva
Self-care can come in many forms, whether it be long-term, short-term, or immediate practices that you incorporate into your daily life. However you choose to incorporate self-care, keep in mind that the key to reaping the benefits of it is being consistent. Long-term self-care starts will goal setting.
Date: October 5, 2023
l Author: Maria Silva
Although for several children, school can be a positive experience, for kids and teens that have been through trauma, it’s not uncommon for interactions with teachers to be challenging and for there to be various emotions surrounding exam days, the classroom environment, and many more aspects of the school setting. Nowadays, trauma even goes beyond just our students who have spent time in foster care.
Date: September 5, 2023
l Author: Joshua Bennett
Through phases of life, whether it be moving states, starting new jobs, or discussing finances, staying harmonious and happy with your partner takes intentional work. When you, as a couple, decide to open your home to care for children in foster care that have been through trauma, nurturing your marriage is crucial to success. So, what does that practically look like?
Date: August 10, 2023
l Author: Kimberly Wood
The Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) model was developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis specifically for children who have been through hard places but can be implemented to be useful for all children! When a child is showing difficult behaviors, there are a few steps to go through in the TBRI model that include connecting, empowering, and correcting to help your child navigate the emotions and reactions that can occur in challenging behavior.
Date: July 10, 2023
l Author: Gabriela Aretis
Teaching children the importance of telling the truth and showing it through example is crucial in learning and development. Between the ages of 4 and 6, a child typically goes through a time of exploring the outcomes of lying vs. telling the truth.