EPIC - Training & Therapy Videos - 4KIDS
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EPIC Tip Videos

Learn more about parenting and caring for kids from the 4KIDS Clinical Team through their various educational and informative videos available below.

EPIC Vídeo: Beneficios de la Capacitación EPIC

Date: July 2, 2024

En este vídeo, escuche algunos puntos sobre por qué vale la pena realizar la capacitación EPIC.

EPIC Tip Video: An Overview on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Date: July 2, 2024

In this video, EPIC Clinician Tina Mathew explains what ACEs are and how early intervention, trauma-informed care, teaching resilience-building skills, and systemic societal changes can promote positive outcomes for kids with ACEs.

EPIC Vídeo: Efeitos do Trauma no Cérebro e no Corpo

Date: June 18, 2024

Neste vídeo de dicas EPIC, aprenda sobre os efeitos negativos do trauma no cérebro e no corpo, mas também como você, como pai ou cuidador, pode ajudar uma criança a se tornar mais resiliente.

EPIC Video: The Impact of Trauma on the Brain

Date: June 6, 2024

In this EPIC Tip, Ken Lacy, EPIC Clinician, discusses how trauma can impact the brain and how you can help your child heal and process this trauma.

EPIC Video: Attachment in Infants

Date: May 5, 2024

In this EPIC Tip, Gabriela Aretis, MSW, discusses attachment theory regarding infants. We will discuss three ways you can help your infant develop a secure attachment.

EPIC Video: The Ideal Response

Date: February 5, 2024

In this EPIC Tip, Kelly Dougherty, Clinical Intern, discusses “The Ideal Response” from Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). This response allows parents to connect with their child while still correcting their behavior.  

EPIC Vídeo: Comprendiendo La Respuesta “IDEAL” de TBRI

Date: February 5, 2024

En este video, explicamos que significa cada letra en el acronimo, “IDEAL,” para ayudar a padres y cuidadores entender como corregir a los niños en una manera basada en la conexión. Este acronimo viene de la Intervencion Relational Basada en la Confianza, o TBRI (por sus signas en Ingles).

EPIC Vídeo: Como El Trauma No Resulto Impacta La Crianza

Date: February 5, 2024

En este video, analizamos lo beneficioso que es para los padres superar sus traumas pasados ​​para poder criar mejor a sus hijos.

EPIC Video: How Parent’s Unresolved Trauma Affect Their Children

Date: January 8, 2024

In this EPIC Tip, Josiane Mendonca, MSW, discusses how the un-checked trauma parents have experienced can impact their children.  

EPIC Vídeo: Cuidando Tu Matrimonio

Date: September 28, 2023

En este video, te ofrecemos consejos y ideas para mantenar un matrimonio saludable durante la crianza de tus hijos.