4KIDS EPIC Training is specially designed to equip parents, teachers, or other caregivers to connect with kids using a trauma-informed approach. EPIC Training is built on the foundational belief that God created all kids, and adults, as whole people, with Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, and Character-based needs. During EPIC Training you will receive practical guidance on how to take a trauma-informed approach in order to meet every one of those needs in the kids that you care for.
At its core, EPIC Training teaches the healing power of relationship. This unique training combines evidence-based models, reviews developmental stages, shows the benefits of limit-setting, and leverages highly researched interventions, like Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). By learning more about topics like sensory processing, infant mental health, and attachment, you can make strides in strengthening your trauma-informed parenting.
Virtual EPIC Trainings are from 9a – 3:30p over 2 days. Registration is free but you must be able to attend both days. Please make sure that you have a private space to watch/participate in the training. Click below to see the list of all available trainings.