About - 4KIDS
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About Us

4KIDS is propelled by the vision of a home for every child. Whether a family is in crisis and at-risk of breaking down, siblings are coming into the foster care system, or a child needs to experience trauma-informed therapy–4KIDS is there, bringing hope, homes, and healing to children and families in crisis.

The Crisis

Every day children are being removed from their homes. Many will go to shelters, group homes, or be sent out of county when all they need is a family.

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What We Do

Discover 4KIDS continuum of care and all the different ways we intervene in the lives of kids and families in crisis to give them hope, homes, and healing.

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Where We Serve

4KIDS serves children, teens, and young adults across 6 Florida counties thanks to a partnership of individuals, churches, and businesses in local communities.

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Get to know more about 4KIDS’ families and kids in one of our videos. You can also learn more about the crisis and see the need up close.

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Solve the crisis and join the 4KIDS community through advocacy, special events, and more.

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Vision Tour

Learn more about the crisis from our passionate team on a tour at our main 4KIDS Headquarters. Learn how to advocate and share the 4KIDS story.

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4KIDS Leadership

Since 1997 4KIDS has been led by passionate individuals who collaborate to bring hope and justice for kids in crisis.

Meet the Team

4KIDS Careers

Consider a career with 4KIDS and join a team of passionate advocates using their skills and experience to further the vision of a home for every child.

Join the Team