The Need - 4KIDS
$30 $100 $250 Other

The Need

How can you further your advocacy for vulnerable children and families? Scroll down to discover our greatest needs right now and how you can come alongside the mission of 4KIDS today.

Understand the Crisis

Find out the number of kids who were removed from your very own zip code and placed in foster care in 2020. Then, share this information with your friends and family to raise up more advocates.


Become a Foster Parent

Due to no fault of their own, 6-10 kids are being removed from their homes daily in our region. Many times, they have experienced abuse or neglect. When there are no safe relatives to take them in, they need a loving foster family. Click below to complete our inquiry form and get more information on opening your home.

Learn More

Invest Your Treasure

Choosing to make a monthly gift to 4KIDS of $30 or more will provide essential supplies for kids across all our programs. You can also create your own peer-to-peer fundraising page for 4KIDS and leverage your birthday or special occassion for a cause you believe in.

Monthly Defenders

Dive Deeper

Want to volunteer to support our foster families with childcare or meals? Or join our committee of advocates and influencers? Check out these opportunities below!

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
– Max Lucado