Currently, there are over 400,000 children in the foster care system across the United States. Divinely positioned, there are just about the same number of churches. The church is the answer. The system is broken and the body of Christ is being called to step in. By partnering with 4KIDS, your local church can help provide Hope, Homes, and Healing to children in your area.
Partnering with us means a few things:
If you, your church or ministry, or your business are interested in partnering with 4KIDS, don’t hesitate to email one of our regional coordinators:
Broward | Email Scott Ustick (ScottU@4KIDS.us)
Palm Beach – North | Email Chris Farley (ChrisF@4KIDS.us)
Palm Beach – South | Email Casey Palacious-Simmons (CaseySP@4KIDS.us)
Treasure Coast | Email Cory O’Connell (CoryO@4KIDS.us)
Southwest Florida | Email Scott Anderson (ScottA@4KIDS.us)
Miami | Email Marlon Urbino (MarlonU@4KIDS.us)
Listen as Andrew Holmes, 4KIDS President, shares about his previous experience as a Child Protective Investigator and why he believes it’s critical for the church to intervene in the lives of kids and families in crisis.
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
— James 1:27