Palm Beach - Foster Parent Interest - 4KIDS
$30 $100 $250 Other

Foster Care

When a child is removed from their home due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment, many of them enter the foster care system. Many of these children will be separated from their siblings, live in shelters or group homes, or be sent out of county. 4KIDS Palm Beach believes every child deserves to be in a home, with a loving family. It is our goal to see more siblings stay together, to see every child inside a real home with a family, and to allow every child the chance to stay in their own community where they can thrive.

Teens & Siblings

One of the greatest needs in foster care is more families who have a heart to open their home to teens and sibling groups. Be a part of solving the crisis and keep teens out of shelters and keep siblings together.

God Places the Lonely in Families.

Watch A 4KIDS Foster Family Testimonial

For additional questions, please contact: (561) 257-1020 or